

Mark & Dorothy Danzker Scholarship for Excellence

  On behalf of Folklorama and the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, we are pleased to announce that the   Mark & Dorothy  Danzker  Scholarship for Excellence program   has been launched for   2025   and applications are now being accepted!   There are a total of 8 scholarships available worth $1,000 each.  Applicants must be between the ages of 17 – 25 to apply and should be involved in preserving ethno-cultural heritage in their community.  Please go to our website  HERE  to learn more about the Scholarship program and to access the online application form.     All applications are due  by Monday, April 28,  2025  at noon .  If you or your students have any questions about the Scholarship program, please get in touch with me by email:  or by phone: (204) 982-6214.

Athena Leadership - Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship

Since 2012, Athena Leadership is proud to have established the Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship and grown the Leader of Tomorrow Fund (held and managed through The Winnipeg Foundation), which exists to change the lives of outstanding young women+ through education. For 2025, the Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship will be disbursed as one award in the amount of $4,000 (Canadian Dollars).   The Athena Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship is awarded annually to a young woman+ who exemplifies Athena Leadership’s values of Empowerment, Integrity, and Philanthropy. The successful recipient will have a proven track record in making a difference for others through exceptional community involvement, and a strong commitment to her own professional development. For more information, visit .   Eligibility:  The Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship is available to candidates who meet all of the following requirements:  Woman+ (including all t...

Student Awards

 Another website to search for available scholarships! Find scholarships and student awards in Canada. 💰📚🎓 - Student Awards

Scholarships Canada

 Looking for scholarships? Click on this link to register to be matched to available scholarships across Canada! ScholarshipsCanada - Find Scholarships, Student Awards, Bursaries & Financial Aid


 Find out about eligibility for this award and apply here! YLIA-Scholarship-Application-2024-25.pdf (